Ep. 92 How to Write Your Purpose Statement

If you’ve been feeling like you’re meant to be doing more with your life or you’re not sure how to reach your goals, don’t miss this! Learn how to write your own purpose statement and what to do with it. Click through to listen in or to read a recap…

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Ep. 92 How to Write your Purpose Statement

Have you ever heard people talk about having a purpose statement for their life or a personal mission statement that they live by? It might sound lofty to create something like that for yourself but it’s actually totally doable and can be a life-changing way to start living more intentionally.

We talked about:

  1. Why it’s so essential to know your purpose

  2. What a purpose statement actually is

  3. What led Kristin to search for and find her purpose

  4. The 4 steps to write your own purpose statement

  5. A tool that can help you dive deep into discovering your purpose and what to do once you know what it is

If you’ve been feeling like you’re meant to be doing more with your life or you’re not sure how to reach your goals, don’t miss this! Learn how to write your own purpose statement and what to do with it. Click through to listen in or to read a recap…

Why is it so essential to know your purpose?

We all go through big phases of questioning our purpose.

We ask questions like:

  • “What am I even doing?”

  • “What is the point of all this?”

  • “Is this really what I want?”

  • “Could I do something else?”=

But the really hard stuff in life can guide us to our purpose.

Knowing your purpose doesn’t just help with the big things in life, but it helps us deal with the daily drama and emotions come up and distract us so often. We get off track when we’re uncomfortable or stressed or unsure, but a purpose statement keeps us on course.

There is POWER in knowing your purpose AND being able to clearly articulate it.

If you’ve been feeling like you’re meant to be doing more with your life or you’re not sure how to reach your goals, don’t miss this! Learn how to write your own purpose statement and what to do with it. Click through to listen in or to read a recap…

What is a purpose statement??

A short few sentences that remind you of your purpose every day. A reminder of who you are, what you want, and what’s most important to you. Guides you to know what you are working towards and what you already have.

Kristin’s Purpose Statement

Throughout my life I will:

  • Know God and have faith. Maintain spiritual practices that draw me closer to Him.

  • Cultivate meaningful relationships with my family and loved ones through one-on-one conversations and quality time together.

  • Continuously progress by learning often and challenging myself.

  • Contribute generously to the lives of others using my gifts, especially as a writer and teacher.

If you’ve been feeling like you’re meant to be doing more with your life or you’re not sure how to reach your goals, don’t miss this! Learn how to write your own purpose statement and what to do with it. Click through to listen in or to read a recap…

Download a FREE TEMPLATE to Write Your Own Purpose Statement

4 Steps to Writing Your Purpose Statement:

1. Figure out what you want

This step sounds simple, but lots of us don’t even know what we want from our lives or what’s possible for us! Use our future self exercise from Ep. 14 (freebie) and ask questions like:

  • What is your future self like 5 years in the future? 30 years?

  • What is her confidence like? How does she approach the situations she is in?

  • How does she fit into the world and how does she see herself?

  • What’s her greatest contribution?

  • What attributes does she exemplify that others benefit from?

Journaling prompts

  • What is most important to you?

  • At the end of your life, what would you say was most important to you?

  • What do you want to start, create, or do?

  • Looking at the big picture over the next 30 years, where are the best places to focus your time and energy?

  • Looking at the big picture of the next 30 years, what would you let go of? What would you not worry about?

*Just write a few ideas down of what you want from your life, big-picture. This is not a time to worry about how! 

2. Uncover your gifts

This step is all about reminding yourself of who you are in the present and who you’ve always been. What are your unique gifts? What you can offer the world? What do you already have that equips you to create what you want?

Journaling prompts:

  • How do people describe you?

  • What have loved ones always said about you?

  • What have you always been good at?

  • What themes always come up in your life?

3. Pull it all together

Write up a short few sentences that encapsulates the most important parts of your purpose statement. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but just start writing things out and see what comes up that feels right. This should be a statement that will work for you long-term, but you can always tweak it as needed.

4. Put it somewhere you’ll see it often

Kristin has a small card hanging on her wall by her desk with her purpose statement. She also wrote it in the front of her daily notebook so she always has it with her to guide decisions and goals.

Links Mentioned In This Episode

  • Ep. 14 Becoming The Person You Want To Be

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  • FIND YOUR PURPOSE COURSE: If you’re ready to start setting goals from a clear understanding of WHO you are and WHAT you really want, you’re ready for our Find Your Purpose course. It’s available to purchase December 30th - get on the waiting list HERE.

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