Start Here For Your Progress Project

We want you to be able to start YOUR own progress project. Today, we’re going to help you choose the area of growth you want to focus on and start making progress there.

The good news is…you don’t have to follow anyone’s personal growth plan—you get to create your own curriculum!

  • Are you ready to find your purpose and give your life some big-picture direction?

  • Do you have a creative project you want to make time for? 

  • Do you want to improve your daily spiritual practice or start a meditation practice? 

  • Do you want to work on improving your eating habits or starting an exercise routine?

Start anywhere you feel inspired!

Today we’re talking about how you can actually create the life you dream of living. Discover how to envision the big picture growth you want for your future and the 4 ingredients needed to get you there. You’ll also learn: Where to start in determin…

6 areas of personal growth to work on

Click here to view all 6 areas and our favorite resources to go with them!

  1. Living with Purpose + Intention

  2. Goal Setting

  3. Time Management

  4. Creative Work

  5. Mindfulness + Spirituality

  6. Joy + Self care

1.Purpose + Intention

This area of growth could look like:

  • Developing your confidence

  • Finding your purpose

  • Connecting and communicating with your future self

  • Improving relationships

Click HERE to find our best resources on finding your purpose + living with intention.

2. Goal Setting

This area of growth could look like:

  • ANY kind of goal or habit! Health, money, work, creativity, etc.

  • Using visualization to help realize your goals

Click HERE to find our best resources on goal setting.

Check out our Fail-Proof Goal Setting Guide to get you started on setting and achieving your goals!

3. Time Management

This area of growth could look like:

  • Finding time for creativity

  • Waking up earlier

  • Using your time more productively

  • Restorative rest

Click HERE to find our best resources on time management. (Pssst…we have a TON of resources on this topic!)

4. Creative Work

This area of growth could look like:

  • Starting a creative business

  • Getting back into a creative hobby

  • Finding a new creative outlet

Click HERE to find our best resources on creative work.

5. Mindfulness + Spirituality

This area of growth could look like:

  • Starting a meditation practice

  • Using mantras to believe something new

  • Creating your own spiritual practice

  • Deepening your relationship with God

  • Practicing self-inquiry to find your own answers & receive revelation

Click HERE to find our best resources on mindfulness + spirituality.

6. Joy + Self Care

This area of growth could look like:

  • Developing a journaling practice

  • Doing mindset/belief work and thought downloads

  • Creating an exercise habit

  • Reducing time spent on buffers like social media, phone scrolling, and TV

  • Improving your eating habits

  • Finding true pleasure (hobbies you love like reading, spending time outside, etc.)

Click HERE to find our best resources on joy + self care.

What’s a progress project?

We named our business The Progress Project because we like to approach personal growth as an ongoing series of projects where we improve our lives in some small way. This method of personal development has been incredibly effective for us over the last few years.

You don’t have to change everything all at once or feel overwhelmed at how much you want to learn or do or become. It’s just about making progress one area at a time.

This can look like revisiting the areas that need attention when the time is right, starting something new when you feel the spark of inspiration, or taking time away from growth and focusing on self care when you’re in a hard season of life.

This is also a podcast!

You can also search The Progress Project on any podcast app.

Episode #175 Start Here For Your Progress Project