Creating The Life You Want To Live

Today we’re talking about how you can actually create the life you dream of living. Discover how to envision the big picture growth you want for your future and the 4 ingredients needed to get you there.

First off we want to let you know that it IS possible! We’ve found that you really can create the life you want to live and it doesn’t have to seem so distant.

How have we done this? By learning that you can create the life you really want AND find joy and fulfillment in the meantime.

When you start believing that you can create what you want and come at it from a place of gratitude + contentment, THEN you can apply these 4 ingredients to help you start seeing progress.

Today we’re talking about how you can actually create the life you dream of living. Discover how to envision the big picture growth you want for your future and the 4 ingredients needed to get you there. You’ll also learn: Where to start in determin…

4 ingredients to create the life you want to live

We’re calling these ingredients because although we think all of them are very important, it’s up you how you use them. You might find you need to add lots of #3 into your life or just a little more of #2.

Here are the 4 ingredients to creating the life you want to live:

  1. Find Your Purpose

  2. Manage Your Time

  3. Do Thought Work

  4. Have Grace For Yourself

Just like any personal or creative growth work, YOU have to find out what works personally for you and the current stage you’re in. The best part is that YOU get to decide what your end result is!

We have wonderful podcast episodes, free guides and paid resources for each of these topics. Keep scrolling and you’ll learn how to work on each one.

  1. Find Your Purpose

In this step all you’re doing is finding out what matters most to you!

You might already have some idea of what matters most to you, but until you can clearly write it out into a purpose statement you won’t have the guidance you need to move forward.

No matter what life throws at you, you can have clarity and direction when you know your purpose.

If you need help finding your purpose, we have a few great resources to help you do just that:

Here’s what our Find Your Purpose Course can help you with!

  • Decide what you want

  • Uncover your unique gifts

  • Write your very own purpose statement

  • Set aligned goals

  • Celebrate your progress along the way

2. Manage Your Time

After you’ve found your purpose and know what matters most to you, it’s time to incorporate those things into your life right now!

This step is KEY to creating the life you want to live.

If you already have a purpose statement, then see how you can incorporate some of those things into your life this week. Practice in little ways, make a simple plan and then start doing this today. You’ll figure out the next steps as you go along and readjust.

We have SO many resources when it comes to helping you manage your time well so you’re in luck!

Grab your Free Time Management Toolkit

This is your quick-start kit to help you easily block out time for your creative projects. CLICK HERE to access your free toolkit and get started today!


3. Work on Your Thoughts + Mindset

In this step, you’re working on your mindset of what you think is possible.

Start with working on YOUR THOUGHTS. What are your thoughts right when you wake up, during the day, or right before you fall asleep? What do you think a lot about?

Remember that to create the life you want to live, you HAVE to create the thoughts you want to think!

  • Your thoughts -> your feelings -> your actions -> your results

  • Use your beautiful and powerful mind to relieve all those negative emotions your thinking mind has created. You can practice to relieve pressure from your goals, stress, guilt, resentment, roadblocks, fear, doubt, etc. 

Here are a few of our favorite resources when it comes to working on your mindset:

4. Have More Grace For Yourself

The most powerful thing you can do, no matter what you want to create, is to come at it from a place of love, abundance and grace.

Love the person you already are and always have been!

You’re already doing SO well! You’ve already done so much! You are already enough, no matter what you do or don’t do. 

Love is the key ingredient to your progress. Again it goes back to our thoughts. Instead of that scarcity mindset, “What’s lacking, what’s wrong, what’s missing, I don’t have…” You can choose to come from a heart FULL of gratitude instead.

Try some of these podcast episodes and blog posts to help take better care of yourself:

You can do this. Be kind and gentle. Don’t forget to take care of yourself and look back at how far you’ve already come.

It really IS possible to create the life you want to live.

If you’re still not sure where to start, contact us HERE and we’d be happy to connect and guide you one-on-one.


Laura + Kristin

One Last Reminder!

You have infinite potential. You belong. You are significant. You have a special purpose in the world that ONLY you can fulfill. You have everything you need to fulfill your purpose. You are loved perfectly by a Creator no matter what you do.
— Kristin Brown

This is also a podcast!

You can also search The Progress Project on any podcast app.

Episode #174 Creating The Life You Want To Live