Ep. 116 Finding A Solution

In this episode, we’re sharing our 10-question journal prompt formula for finding solutions to any problems you’re facing. Whether it’s a relationship, a setback on a goal or habit, an obstacle with a creative project, or just something taking up sp…

Ep. 116 Finding a Solution

In this episode, we’re sharing our 10-question journal prompt formula for finding solutions to any problems you’re facing. Whether it’s a relationship, a setback on a goal or habit, an obstacle with a creative project, or just something taking up space in your mind, mastering the skill of solving problems without drama is the key!

You’ll learn:

  • How to improve the skill of problem solving

  • How to clarify which parts of a problem we have control over and which parts we don’t

  • 10 journal prompts to help you solve your problem

  • The surprisingly important tip to working out a solution

listen below or on apple podcasts & choose episode 116

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10-Question Journal Prompts To Help Solve Your Problem

Whether it’s a relationship, a setback on a goal or habit, an obstacle with a creative project, or just something taking up space in your mind, mastering the skill of solving problems without drama is the key!

That’s why we love journaling out these 10 questions to help us find a solution to any problem we’re currently facing. Hope it helps you do the same!

Get a pen and paper and start writing out the answers to these questions.

  1. What’s the problem?

  2. What’s the actual problem?

  3. Do I actually want to solve this problem? (aka Am I willing to put in the work to find a solution or make a compromise?)

  4. What would happen if this problem was solved? (What would be the next step?)

  5. How does the problem make me feel? How do I want to feel when it’s solved?

  6. What part of the problem DO I have control over? (Mindset, actions etc)

  7. What part do I NOT have control over? Can I accept that and let it go? 

  8. What’s stopping me from taking action?

  9. Why do you feel resistance? (This one is so important!!)

  10. Is this problem new or something that keeps coming up?

    1. If so what tools have I learned in the past that could help me with this similar problem? Is there something new I haven’t tried before that might be required to fix this?

Feel free to scroll back up and listen to this podcast episode so you can hear how we walk through these journal questions with a problem of our own. Hearing our answers might help you if you’re feeling stuck. You can also search for The Progress Project ep. 116 wherever you get your podcasts.

We promise that if you take the time to do some self-inquiry and go through these questions you’ll start finding solutions to your current problem. Just be patient and give your self space for trial and error. You might surprise yourself with what you find.

We’re sharing our 10-question journal prompt formula for finding solutions to any problems you’re facing. Whether it’s a relationship, a setback on a goal or habit, an obstacle with a creative project, or just something taking up space in your mind,…

Now what?

After you’ve gone through the 10 questions and really took the time to answer them honestly then you’re ready for the next steps that will help find a real solution to your problem.

  1. Make a decision

    • Now you need to make a decision about your problem. Whether it’s that you’re going to start thinking differently, feeling differently, giving yourself a deadline to finish something…whatever it is it’s now time to just make a decision.

  2. Take action

    • Now that you know what the actual problem is and the feelings that you want to create, it’s now time to take action. Don’t get too caught up on trying to do everything or get overwhelmed by doing it all. Just take the very next step & only focus on completing that.

  3. Tweak and repeat

    • Next it’s all about trial and error. You might not find a perfect solution right away and that’s totally fine and perfectly normal. But the more you try the closer you’ll get to finding something that really works for you!

A few extra tips to help you solve your problem

  • Give your brain SPACE and REST to work on the problem

    • After you’ve answered the 10 questions and written out your problem then it’s time to go for a walk, take a shower, exercise, sleep, meditate or just do something besides focusing on the problem. This way it’ll give your brain space to work on the problem by itself

  • Use the mantra “Having a problem is not a problem” to help you remember that problems aren’t a bad thing. They’re actually a great thing. It means that you’re getting once step closer to the life you want to create. Plus solving problems gives you the tools to solve the next ones around the corner.

We’re sharing our 10-question journal prompt formula for finding solutions to any problems you’re facing. Whether it’s a relationship, a setback on a goal or habit, an obstacle with a creative project, or just something taking up space in your mind,…

If you want to dive deeper into self-inquiry be sure to grab our FREE 7-page guide Best Questions To Ask Your Future Self. It includes all 37 of our favorite journaling prompts to help you tap into the wisdom of your ideal future self and start getting the answers you’ve been searching for.

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