Posts tagged confidence
How To Develop Belief In Yourself

Today, we’re teaching you how to grow your self belief. Not just in the vague “believe in yourself!” kind of way we tell little kids but about believing SPECIFICALLY that you can achieve the things you really want. Learn how you can take any desire you have for your life and figure out how to obtain it or bring it into reality. Usually that means DOING, BEING, or HAVING something that you want.

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Ep. 64 How to Trust Yourself

One of the best skills we’ve learned in the last couple years has been the ability to actually DO what we say we’ll do. We both spent so many years wanting to make progress on our goals and dreams but making excuses when it came time to take the action we said we’d take. In today’s episode we’re talking all about how to develop that trust in yourself and start making real changes in your life…

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Ep. 18 How to Have Confidence in Any Situation

Today’s episode is all about confidence! Both of us have experienced a dramatic increase in self-confidence throughout our adult years and we each share what has helped us with that. Of course there are always surface-level changes we can make like dressing better or learning to be a better conversationalist that help us feel better in certain situations, but we really wanted to talk about the deeper heart-changes that truly can help us be confident, no matter what situation we find ourselves in. We share three fundamental shifts for true confidence and how…

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