Ep. 126 Future Self Journaling

Today we’re chatting about future self journaling, a process you can use to tap into your future self and use that vision to assess where you are today. You’ll learn the 4 journaling prompts you can use to become your ideal future self and how you c…

Ep. 126 Future Self Journaling

Today we’re chatting about future self journaling, a process you can use to tap into your future self and use that vision to assess where you are today.

You’ll learn:

  • 4 journaling prompts you can use to become your ideal future self

  • How you can set way more effective goals using this process

  • How this type of journaling can help you make better decisions

  • How to hear love and encouragement from your future self

Be sure to grab our Free Guide: Best Questions to Ask Your Future Self so you can learn how to live with more intention today!

4 Journaling Prompts to become your ideal future self

  1. What kind of goals and projects will get me to the future self I’m imagining?

    • This is such a great journal prompt to start out with. Your basically asking yourself “Which area am I lacking the most right now?” This will help you know what area to focus on and if the goals and projects you’re currently working on are what will lead you to your ideal future self!

    • This journal prompt can also help you know what areas in your life you’d like to focus on that are foundational to your overall ability to do things. (like health, spirituality)

    • ex. If you’re future self is someone who takes care of her mind and body, are you doing the things today that will help you get to the person you want to be like eating healthy and exercising?

    2. What would my future self choose in this situation?

    • This helps you make daily decisions in a way that your ideal future self would choose. This usually helps us choose things that matter most and helps us in the long run.

    • So the next time you’re deciding what to eat for dinner or if you’re going to procrastinate a project or not, ask your future self what she would do?

    3. Enjoy the imagining of your future self’s life. What will it be like?

    • There’s something that happens when we live in that future in our imaginations -- ESPECIALLY by writing it down.

    • Do we pretty much get what we expect out of life? If so then, this practice helps you expect exactly what you want out of life.

    4. What encouragement and love would your future self give to your current self if she could?

    • What are you worried about today? What are you working really hard at today? What stresses you out today? What would 42 year-old you have to say about all that?

Today we’re chatting about future self journaling, a process you can use to tap into your future self and use that vision to assess where you are today. Learn 4 journaling prompts you can use to become your ideal future self. How you can set way mor…

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